There are many types of bags available today to cater the shopping needs of people. An endless variety of raw materials and technologies are employed to manufacture them. Out of them the most popular ones are Plastic and Paper bags, since many years. Also one should accept that they are the ones which are being subjected to a lot of constructive criticisms as well. Due to the highly demanding environmental needs, many alternatives are found to be superior to them in many platforms, especially in terms of environmental friendliness have come to the market now and become familiar among common people. Even then it is worthwhile to infer the Eco Impact made by them. The modern shopping bag of today, such as those provided by grocery stores, convenient stores, and other retailers was originally designed to help customers purchase more goods by making the goods easier to transport. Plastic shopping bags were first introduced into the market place in 1974.At this time Montgomery Ward, Sears, and J.C. Penny all switched their shopping bags to plastic. While shopping bags, both paper and plastic, were originally invented with the sole purpose of packaging and carrying goods at the point of sale, they now serve many other purposes including advertising and branding for specific goods, services, stores or produce providers. They are still available for purchase but the disposable bags are most often provided without direct charge to customers, sometimes even without a purchase. Even on line stores and establishments that do not sell goods are using bags as a promotional product. Advantages & Uses Paper is made from a renewable resource, trees and we can plant more trees. Paper carry bags are strong enough to hold up to 5Kgs of stuff without breaking and can be reused again and again. Paper bags are biodegradable (a plastic bag would still be in a landfill 1,000 years from now). Uses & Applications It is useful for carrying the grocery regular item. It can be used for carrying vegetables, fruits and also used to carry files, books and light domestic material. Market Survey Paper and reusable bags are environmentally friendly. Plastic is not good, It may be a little easier to carry, but think about the environment. This is the main reason for which the demand of paper bag is more than plastic bag. Manufacturing plastic bags is big business and banning disposable bags, or even charging a tax which severely limits plastic bag usage, will reduce demand and increasing the demand of paper bags. Bags made from paper price much less costly in comparison with other materials. Thus, they are perfect for small to medium sized companies. It is a common knowledge that plastics are not safe, particularly towards the kids. Your child's lifestyle might be threatened if he, by chance, ate the plastic bags. Therefore, it's still secure to decide on Biodegradable Paper Bags since, because they're not that risky case you unintentionally left them and kids ate them by chance. Paper Bags may be of multiple uses. It is able to reuse so many times. Thankfully, Recycled Paper Bags are very a lot tough and in fact, they are waterproof. Durable Paper Bags are greatest to make use of in bagging your sold merchandise since it receive to be guaranteed that won't broke off its handles throughout the height of the buyer's buying spree. 3D lettering is also available which a new trend in the market is, most of the shopping brands are going for such type of bags which stand out in the public, and they attract more customers. Logos with huge designs in the background are created so that it matches the views of the company; it also helps in giving a relevant meaning to the brand.